If you are having issues with a student loan, you need to understand your rights, your options, and decide on a course of action. I can provide clarity, help you choose your best option, and give you confidence in your situation.
I have been helping consumers with student loan issues since 2009. I have given presentations across the country on student loans. And here in Minnesota, I am one of the local authorities on student loans.
Whether you are dealing with federal student loans or private student loans, I can help. From stopping unlawful debt collection calls, to helping you get your loans out of default, to defending you in a student loan lawsuit, I have the experience to improve your situation.
Student loans are complicated, stressful, and can impact your entire family. I can help you understand your rights, and help you focus on the more important things in your life.
Stop debt collection calls about student loans
Get your federal student loans out of default
Understand your repayment options
Defend student loan lawsuits
Understand your rights as a cosigner on a student loan